Plot What Plot?
All stories here are rated Adult. Proceed at your own risk.
The Voyeur
“I like to watch. This isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last. Not by a long shot.”
Rating: NC-17
Tell Me Now
The torture of karaoke and the consequences of too many margaritas. A PWP for your amusement.
Rating: R
Summary: The heat can do strange things to you.
Rating: NC-17
Something Sacred
Summary: “I don’t believe in love anymore.”
Rated: NC-17
Three For One
Summary: Scully gets a little frisky during a trip to New Orleans.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: How long since I’ve run my hands over the smooth, cool maple, admired the glossy surface and the fine grain of the wood?
Rating: NC-17
All the Pretty Flowers
Summary: I know heartbreak.
Rating: NC-17